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Exploring neurodiversity and the contemplative path to deepen connection and joy

Have you ever felt like you’ve tried everything to change behaviors and nothing worked? The harder you tried, the more discouraged, alone, and desperate you felt? There is hope!
The FASCETS Neurobehavioral Approach links brain with behaviors, leading to supports that actually make a difference. We pause and ask, “What if the brain has something to do with what I’m seeing?” This allows us to respond to confusing, sometimes challenging, behaviors in new ways. It strengthens relationships and wellbeing. Let’s think brain first!
Lynn's new collaboration is here!
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“This narrative is a powerful reminder that anything is possible with courage, resilience, and love”
“ I was struck by the depth of Lynn’s courage and candor—showing how theory may be translated into life.””
“I LOVED this book! It’s a story that desperately needs to be heard.”
“Tinderbox is a sacred gift: honest, vulnerable, humble, and hopeful.”
Read Lynn's personal story of trying differently rather than harder.
Get your copy here:

Curiosity about the source of behaviors and beliefs can transform.
My passion for social work and spirituality merged when I became a parent to neurodivergent children. I leaned into social work skills to support my children and find solutions; contemplative practices grew my resilience for the journey.

Brain Changes = Behavior Changes
Discover a paradigm shift that gets to the roots of challenging as well as enlivening behaviors. Pave the way for connection, relationship and life fully lived.
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